Human-Computer Interaction
The Design Project
For your design project, you will be building prototypes of a mobile app. The learning modules posted on this site will guide you through the design and implementation process, following an iterative development method. You will apply your knowledge on human factors to come up with intuitive designs.
Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.
- Steve Jobs
What is HCI?
Human-Computer Interaction or HCI is a discipline concerned with a human-centered approach in designing interactive systems. A human or user-centric approach in designing and developing software would generally lead to an improved usability of the product and a better customer adoption of the system. To achieve this, the study of human factors, trends in computing technologies, and effective design philosophies is essential.
The lectures in the class cover the essential principles of human psychology and physiology, which also includes ergonomics and sociological theories. The lectures will also acquaint the students with the best practices in general visual design and help them become familiar with the standard, platform-based design guidelines. Hands-on workshop sessions are interspersed with the lectures to tackle design methodologies and enhance student creativity. Computing sessions, called Hack-Labs, are held to expose the participants to state-of-the-art platforms and technologies. In the last phase of the course, students are given the task of producing rapid-prototypes of their designs, applying all the principles that they have learned.